Are you looking for a Plainview periodontal office?
When it comes to finding the best possible solution for replacing your teeth, you want to speak with an experienced periodontist that is highly skilled in addressing the advanced complexities of restoring insufficient bone and gum tissue for the success of your replacement. At the practice of Dr. Glenn Ludwig, your
Plainview periodontal office, making patients eligible for dental implants—the state-of-the-art in solutions for teeth replacement—is a mission which they have taken great pains to address, providing procedures for an extensive array of issues that would otherwise make candidates ineligible.
Plainview Periodontal Office
One of the problems with tooth loss, is that after a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone tissue rapidly diminishes, in a natural process known as resorption. For patients who have lost teeth due to the ravages of gum disease, underlying bone and gum tissue is often extensively lost as a result of the disease as well. Depending on where tooth loss has occurred, and the extent of tissue loss, your
Plainview periodontal office performs remarkable procedures to help restore the missing bone for the successful placement of dental implants. Because dental implants are inserted directly into the jaw, it’s critical that there is sufficient quantity and quality of bone tissue to successfully retain the implant. An added bonus, dental implants help to restore the natural contours of the face, promote jaw health, and help to prevent resorption. When the upper teeth need to be replaced, the bone between the gums and the sinus cavity is the key area for implantation. With an insufficient amount of bone tissue, a sinus augmentation can be performed, lifting the sinus membrane for the careful insertion of donor bone at the floor of the sinus. Over time, the bone becomes part of the jaw, and dental implants can successfully be inserted.
If you’re in need of tooth replacement and have suffered the loss of bone tissue in key areas, contacting your
Plainview periodontal office is the first step towards reclaiming your oral health. Call the office of Dr. Glenn Ludwig to learn more about your treatment options today.
1097 Old Country Road Suite 206
Plainview, NY 11803
(516) 654-5991
By Glenn S. Ludwig, D.M.D, P.C.
June 22, 2017