Periodontist in Plainview
Do your gums get red and swollen when you brush your teeth? Do they bleed at times? If so, you may have the early onset of gum disease. For any issue that pertains to the health of your gums, meeting with your expert
Plainview periodontist is the best course of action to take. That’s because periodontists have gone through extensive additional training to specialize in the most complex and advanced cases of gum conditions and surgical treatments. Highly regarded as among the leaders in the field for periodontal care and placement of dental implants, Dr. Glenn Ludwig is an exceptional choice for the expert treatment of whatever gum condition you may have.
Plainview Periodontist
Not only does your
Plainview periodontist have the additional training in gum treatments; he also makes use of some of the most sophisticated technology in the field, for the most precise, conservative and effective treatment for his patients. When plaque builds up in your mouth, some of the bacteria that live inside of it travel downward into your gum tissue. If not removed, it begins to harden into tartar, causing inflammation in your gums. The problem is that as the bacteria begins to infect the pockets of your gums, the soft tissue and supporting bone is compromised and eventually tooth loss can occur. By means of a highly advanced periodontal treatment (called LANAP), Dr. Glenn Ludwig can precisely and conservatively remove the damaged tissue in the pockets of your gums, using a laser along with ultrasonic instruments. The laser is used to make the initial incision, as well as disinfect the cleaned area, preventing further damage. Using a laser means faster healing time and less pain after your procedure.
If you have gum issues that are more advanced, Dr. Glenn Ludwig is the
Plainview periodontist you can depend on for first rate care. Carefully supervised and monitored, sedation options are also available, to make your visit as comfortable and stress free as possible. If you’re having any kind of issue with your gums, I highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Dr. Glenn Ludwig; to learn more, visit his website below.
1097 Old Country Road Suite 206
Plainview, NY 11803
(516) 654-5991
By Glenn S. Ludwig, D.M.D, P.C.
March 22, 2017
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